суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


The difference between the two models vary, but geoid is much more accurate in most globe areas. The strong points that differentiate TopoNavigator 6 from any other mapping software are: Auto settings tries to keep the final image close to dpi, whilest 5 other settings are available. As the vehicle accelerates, map is zoomed out and tilted, and the map centerd is lowering towards the bottom of the screen, allowing for larger viewable area. Application's setup is coming with version 6. toponavigator 4

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Fora each profile, zoom levels are changed as follows.

Settings | Toponavigator

Faster programm loading and response. Six user profiles adjust information prioratization, density and symbology to create more readable thematic maps.

After the user stops moving so speed valus is lesser than 0. Otherwise, after the time span set in device settings, the screen dimms, allowing for a much longer battery life. These values have been found to tpoonavigator perfectly with the detail change and readibility of most maps. TopoNavigator 6 - Anavasi Digital - Up to 6.

Set the languege for menus and other labels.

toponavigator 4

Auto settings tries to keep the final image close to dpi, whilest 5 other settings are available. Four toponaivgator are available: The strong points that differentiate TopoNavigator 6 from any other mapping software are: For more information click here.

The position information from these resources cannot be recorded.

TopoNavigator for Android - APK Download

Our Garmin device that has been connected to PC to receive the map from TopoNavigator is an external storage device that the app reads it's xml to confirm that toponavugator the one registered with it. Select GPS fix symbol. Map labels cities, place names, etc.

toponavigator 4

Allows the app to get location information from WiFi adresses or telecom cell networks. TopoNavigator 6 is the sole Greek cartographic software program and is addressing all those involved with the geographical area - hikers, researchers, off-roaders, technical and scientific companies or organizations.

Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page: More cartographic data on any thematic layer ex.


New tool to customize on-map display of information and editing tool sets. Four colors on two sizes are available. Keep screen always on. Groups collapse to free-up screen space. Click the "Create Account" button now to join.

toponavigator 4

Fora each profile, zoom levels are changed as follows Extreme: It allows the correlation of the zoom level and the tilt of the map image to the vehicle movement speed.

Application's setup is coming with version 6. Sorry, but I didn't find that info: These keys depend on your HDD hosting the OS and as i found out myself recently if for some reason you change motherboard those keys tiponavigator work anymore.

Purchase info My account. Menus, messages, user manual: New GUI with 14 function groups. You will find here the setting the affect the general behavior of the app.

19 πεζοπορίες / 19 trails

Adjust altitudes over geoid. Auto, Portrait and Landcsape. All map types will be cached tin the same location.

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